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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Continuing the Saga (Question)Date: Thu 10-Nov-2005, 00:35:18

I could not help but notice, both on the Internet Movie Db and on here, that alot of people have mentioned how they want to see characters like Riley, Pilsbury and certain others in the next Romero film.
But, I heard George Romero talking about his films and his statements that each film was not really meant to be a sequel, prequel or anything, each individual film was a different story that was to stand on it's own. While the progress of the zombie takeover is apparent in each film, every single one is wholly different.
Do you guys think that George should continue in the same tradition with his next films? Or do you think he should continue a further storyline with the characters from Land of the Dead? How about this, how about, in the VERY LAST film, we could find some way that all of the survivors from the previous films meet up? Peter and Fran, from Dawn of the Dead, could wind up on the island with the people from Day of the Dead and in the ending scenes, Riley, Pilsbury (and of course, Pretty Boy and Slack) end up abandoning the idea of Canada and their final destination could be that same island. You could even call the film Island of the Dead. I am rambling, so here's the question, should George Romero continue to make each film a separate story onto itself? Or should he give us a sequel to Land of the Dead? What are some of your opinions?

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