About the Webmaster
(Last updated 31-Aug-1998, Email me)

"Who's the nutter who runs this site?" I hear you ask. "He's clearly demented, or at least in need of a fresh batch of medication."

Name:Neil Fawcett
Age:Older than you think and I'd like...
Location:About 30 miles west of London
Height:Six feet
Weight:190 poundish depending on recent quantities of beer & working out...
Profession:Computing (yawn)...
Hobbies:Squash, films, karate (before I busted up my toe) and dweeby computer stuff (yawn)...
Favorite:Dawn, definately Dawn of the Dead. No, hang on, Night. Yeh Night. Oh no, Day. Oh but what about...
Me meeting Tom Savini, Dec 97

Well I think the sections about the films themselves give a brief overview of how I became interested in Romero's Dead trilogy. However, the story does go back a little further...

I can remember sometime around the early 80s when I was sitting at home one rainy Sunday afternoon feeling very bored. In search of something to read I walked around to my local news agents and looked through their magazines and books, one of which caught my attention. Its title was "Return of the Living Dead". I read the synopsis, bought it and read the entire story that afternoon. Now for those of you that do not know, this book is not to be confused with the film of the same title. It is basically a sequel to Night of the Living Dead, set ten years later. However, at the time I had never heard of Night of the Living Dead, yet alone Dawn of the Dead. A few years later when I went in to a video shop to rent my first ever video and I saw a film called "Dawn of the Dead". At the time I had no knowledge that the book I had previously read was in anyway related to this film, but for some reason I felt compelled to hire it. And here we are... As for the book that I suppose sparked everything off, "Return of the Living Dead", I lent it to a school friend and never received it back.

When I finally "got online" in 1997 I took the opportunity of starting up "Homepage of the Dead". Initially it was aimed just at sharing my opinion on Romero's Dead trilogy, but it soon became apparent that I was not alone in my appreciation of these films and the site expanded. If you asked me why I think these films are so popular I would have to answer, "I really just don't know." Yes they are original. Yes they are well produced. But there has to be something more to them to make them endure in the way they have!

Anyway, to end I'd like to thank everyone who has helped with the site, be it a contribution or just an email. I'd especially like to thank my girlfriend Dawn - it took me years to find a girlfriend named after one of the films - who has to put up with this "Nutter of the Dead!"

Here's some other stuff to bore you with. I'll periodically add more...

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Paddington & Marmalade (added Aug-98) Skiing 97 (added Aug-98) Hippy (added Aug-98)
Nissan 200SX (added Aug-98) Aerobatics (added Aug-98) Halloween 2000 (added Oct-2002)
PepsiMax Drop (added Oct-2002)