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Thread: Fear The Walking Dead: Season 5 TRAILER

  1. #1
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Fear The Walking Dead: Season 5 TRAILER

    Season 4 started brilliantly, but unfortunately it then continually slid downhill throughout the season (too many episodes and too much filler was a big reason for that).

    Still, though, John Dorie in full blown wild west mode in a dusty down dual-wielding pistols - something to look forward to there!

  2. #2
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Looking forward to this... nice to see Dwight resurface, though I think reprising Daniel again may be a stretch too far... Must watch Series 3 again to remind myself on his fate at the end of that...

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzbomb View Post
    Looking forward to this... nice to see Dwight resurface, though I think reprising Daniel again may be a stretch too far... Must watch Series 3 again to remind myself on his fate at the end of that...
    IIRC he was caught up in the whole dam collapse thing, which all the important people seem to have survived incredibly. Does feel a bit of a stretch, doesn't it?

  4. #4
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    I'm sure I will watch but I so hope this season is a big improvement

  5. #5
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombie Snack View Post
    I'm sure I will watch but I so hope this season is a big improvement
    Aye, likewise. Season 4 promised a lot and then squandered a lot after a good start, unfortunately.

  6. #6
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    I spent all last season trying to convince MZ how much better FTWD was better than the last couple seasons of TWD proper but that last half was embarrassing. I’m checked out of this series. I’ll watch it but I still hope they end it this season.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #7
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I spent all last season trying to convince MZ how much better FTWD was better than the last couple seasons of TWD proper but that last half was embarrassing. I’m checked out of this series. I’ll watch it but I still hope they end it this season.
    So in other words you're trying to say that I was right and you were wrong?

    Yeah, I'll go with that.

    Although I will say that 4x01 absolutely did live up to the standard of TWD's best episodes (mind you ... it did help that part of that episode was, essentially, TWD anyway ).

  8. #8
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Lol yeah until FTWD just became one big gimmick.

    The premiere, the introduction of John Dorie, Al and her vehicle, the Vultures, Nick’s death, all good stuff. I didn’t even mind the back and forth in timelines.

    Madison’s death was the beginning of the end for me.

    The villain, the split group formula of storytelling, the bottle episodes, all that shit killed it for me and the lame finale along with the bait and switch of where the story was promised of going was the nail in the coffin.

    Could get better but I just want the best characters in TWD already.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  9. #9
    Just been bitten Buzzbomb's Avatar

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    Another new trailer... a bit naff. Series 5 starts 2nd June...
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 12-May-2019 at 04:17 PM.

  10. #10
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hmmm ... yeah ... ... ...

    I do wish Alicia would get rid of that silly bludgeon she got off a broken machine gun.

  11. #11
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I spent all last season trying to convince MZ how much better FTWD was better than the last couple seasons of TWD proper but that last half was embarrassing.
    That's a pity.

    I've decided to give FTWD another go after checking out in S2. Started S3 and was like OH SHIT!!!!
    Travis KIA
    and felt it might be worth continuing.

    I really will be done if it gets stupid again though. As a show, it's never really done it for me and my patience are very thin for it.
    Last edited by shootemindehead; 13-May-2019 at 09:28 PM. Reason: .
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  12. #12
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shootemindehead View Post
    I really will be done if it gets stupid again though. As a show, it's never really done it for me and my patience are very thin for it.
    I'd be surprised if you make it all the way through season 3, to be honest.

    By the end of that season I was done with it, but then Season 4 had a shake-up and I gave it a looksee out of curiosity, and while it started off great and really refreshed, the season really dropped in quality by a dramatic amount, especially in the back half. It's a shame, because John Dorie is an awesome character.

  13. #13
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinionZombie View Post
    I'd be surprised if you make it all the way through season 3, to be honest.

    By the end of that season I was done with it, but then Season 4 had a shake-up and I gave it a looksee out of curiosity, and while it started off great and really refreshed, the season really dropped in quality by a dramatic amount, especially in the back half. It's a shame, because John Dorie is an awesome character.
    Well, I'm on No.10 of S3 and so far it's been ok. It's easily the best of the three series I've seen so far. There are some very annoying character decisions going on though, just to stretch out the "drama".
    Why Madison allowed Troy to live, even after he killed that Indian lad in the back of the truck before he was set off on his exile is beyond stupid.
    You'd think someone would have learnt a few hard lessons by now about psychos and their willingness to fuck things up just because they can. But, that dumb crap happens in TWD too.

    It becomes tiresome after a while.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  14. #14
    Feeding shootemindehead's Avatar

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    Right, so just finished S03 and S04.

    While there's a definite upward tick in the quality in the show over all from the lack lustre S01 and S02, there is also a downward slope going on too within the individual series. There are continually dumb decisions made by the characters, both in 'Fear the Walking Dead', and 'The Walking Dead' is must be said, and far too much cheap drama involved.
    Madison's sacrifice was especially ridiculous

    But, the absolute, most teeth grinding, irritating and infuriating aspect of any of the stupid character decisions that both series are guilty of, is this business of letting crazy fuckers live and then being astonished that the bugger things up later on. These people are continually allowed to carry on with their OBVIOUSLY psychopathic gibberish by characters who deserve their own deaths many times over for being bloody idiots. It's simply amazing, for all the wrong reasons. It just drives me nuts. I nearly cheered when
    Madison off'd Troy
    , even if it was ridiculously late in the day.

    S03 is easily the best that the show has had to offer, even though there are some dodgy things going on there too. But S04 which starts off well and includes a couple of new and interesting characters, loses it's way, along the way. It was relatively enjoyable as a binge watch, even if the latter half just meanders and I've nothing else on the boil at present. But I think if I was looking at this week to week, I'd have checked out again. Maybe 16 episodes is just too long a stretch for both 'The Walking Dead and 'Fear the Walking Dead' and they need to cut the flab in a very serious way.

    And I just want to hit Morgan now.

    Just stop. Please bloody stop.
    I'm runnin' this monkey farm now Frankenstein.....

  15. #15
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    I think FearTWD is far more troublesome when it comes to, er, troublesome characters. One of the main problems with FearTWD is that it's doing so many of the same beats that have already been done on TWD, so we as an audience have been through certain story arcs already, so seeing them done again - and worse - on Fear is not a good mix.

    I feel that TWD has done a far better job in general. At the very least in terms of the characters, as we have often seen our heroes attempting to snuff out a baddie sharpish, but circumstances go against them (e.g. The Governor, of Negan). Now, sometimes the actual playing out of those events can be underwhelming or even frustrating (e.g. Carl's season 7 attempt to stow away in a truck and shoot Negan was pretty lame - at least have the gun jam for goodness sake!). However, we've seen far superior stories play out on TWD in regards to bad characters, and we've also had far more nuance - Shane was 'too bad for the moment' but in many ways was right but ahead of time, while Lizzie provided a very complex and awkward situation to deal with: she's literally a child with worrying tendencies, and Carol and Tyreese tried everything they could, but as soon as it went south Carol immediately did what had to be done.

    When Terminus turns out to be a shit show, as soon as they get their chance they tear the place down. Similarly with Gareth, no messing about - dispatched in episode 5x03 in no uncertain terms. Fast forward to season 9 and when those rogue and homeless Saviours remnants turned up and confronted Carol, they were dispatched at the earliest opportunity later in that same episode again in no uncertain terms.

    Yes, the whole Negan arc in S7 and S8 had plenty of issues, and those have been discussed at the time and plenty since (and I too have had plenty to say about the failings, but in a fair manner), but TWD is leagues ahead on the issue compared to FearTWD. Troy and that rubbish villain from 4B are the two most egregious examples. Both were rotten to the core and it was painfully obvious. That said, they have done some things well - moral grey area characters like Strand and the little girl in Season 4 (her name escapes me right now) have worked well and their decisions have made sense and been true to their stories.

    I absolutely agree about "too many episodes". It has been true of FearTWD since season 2's massive jump from 6 to 13 episodes, and even more obvious since the jump up to sixteen ruddy episodes. TWD has generally fared much better with 16 episodes per season however they also definitely need to trim down to, say, 12 episodes per season (six and six). I think that would really help trim out all the fat. Ideally it'd be 10 episodes in one shot, but hell will freeze over before AMC do that.

    In this day and age with so much choice for viewers, long seasons just aren't justified in my opinion. There's also lots of pragmatic reasons - these shows take a long time to make, so that puts pressure on the people making them. What about their family time? What about other career opportunities? No wonder popular actors jump ship for other more lucrative opportunities, or just the chance to spend more time with their families. A smaller number of episodes would allow for those involved to explore other things or just have more down time, and in the end that would make them happier and less likely to jump ship. All TV shows need to be thinking far more about sustaining themselves in these manners. Even just from a writing perspective it would be a win-win.


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