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Thread: TWD 6x16 "Last Day on Earth" episode discussion... **SPOILERS WITHIN*

  1. #16
    Just been bitten zomtom's Avatar

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    I don't even feel as though I watched the season finale. I'm at a point where I don't care!! How dare they do this to their fans. I hope this comes back and bites them in their asses. They're getting too big for their britches and I hope the backlash smacks them back to reality.

  2. #17
    Being Attacked

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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I can't even defend that. I hope it gets leaked. Let the backlash begin, they deserve it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Nah, I don't feel sorry for them. The way they hyped that episode just makes them all looks like complete liars. Lincoln said it made him sick and Cohan couldn't sleep lol black hole, McBride? Nah, they lost all their credibility with me.
    Maybe Andrew Lincoln became "physically sick" after the reading the script because he realized just how shitty it was going to be and how much backlash they would receive...

  3. #18
    Just been bitten Zombie Snack's Avatar

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    That was like having sex but stopping before you get a nut......why? Gimple claiming it wasn't a cliff hanger, it was the end of that story...Bullshit.

  4. #19
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Lame. Just lame.

    Makes no impact whatsoever and their choice tells me all I need to know.

    Fear the Walking Dead looks the way forward for me.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Watching Talking Dead and they really have NO IDEA nor do they seem to care
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  5. #20
    Twitching sandrock74's Avatar

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    I'm glad I had friends over and watched WrestleMania last night. I watched TWD on the dvr and was amazed (but not surprised) at all the commercial breaks and just shook my head at the ending. A sudden first person perspective?? I would've been okay with that as long as they showed who it was afterwards.

    So much time was wasted in this episode. To end it the way they did was sloppy. I'm seeing nothing but anger from fans online today. This could be something that really comes back to haunt them next season if a lot of fans don't come back.

  6. #21
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    Cheap gimmicks and lazy writing. That's what the show has come to. Sad.

    The greatest moment from the comics ruined. Can't come back from that.
    Last edited by Moon Knight; 04-Apr-2016 at 04:34 PM. Reason: Insulted
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  7. #22
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    Fuck that shit. Not even worth talking about.
    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    A completely hollow semblance of a finale.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Knight View Post
    I can't even defend that. I hope it gets leaked. Let the backlash begin, they deserve it.
    Nah, they lost all their credibility with me.
    Quote Originally Posted by sandrock74 View Post
    I'm seeing nothing but anger from fans online today. This could be something that really comes back to haunt them next season if a lot of fans don't come back.
    F**k me. Calm down, folks.

    Quote Originally Posted by AcesandEights View Post
    Well, it'll be interesting to see how MZ reconciles his unremitting, TWD-can-do-no-wrong love for the series and this horrifyingly empty and overwrought episode.

    1) Just because I love the show, and would rather focus on the vast majority of things they get right, rather than piss and moan about the teeny weeny amount of stuff they get wrong (which I still mention - but don't harp on endlessly about), doesn't mean I don't have gripes.

    2) Incidentally - F**K THE CLIFFHANGER ENDING.

    They did it once already this season, so doing it for the finale is a wind up. I can understand their reasoning - sort of - but completely disagree with it. On the one positive hand, if they pay off in Season 7 like they did with 6x09 after 6x08's cock tease cliffhanger then we'll have something to look forward to ... ... but six months of waiting? F**K YOU.

    I'm really surprised they went that route. Did they do it because fan expectation was so high for a major death in this episode? Well, we're going to find out in 7x01 - so why not just show it to us now in the finale and avoid the inevitable backlash?! And being that it's a backlash on the internet, you know it's not going to be rational. Seems like a really dumb idea, to me - why hack off a bunch of viewers, I mean really? It makes much more sense, to me at least, to live up to expectations and SHOW the kill right before the credits and then in 7x01 relive the moment in a POV shot.

    Even the actors don't seem to know who bites it ... which seems a little disrespectful to them, doesn't it? Like "one of you is gonna lose your job, but we won't tell you for several months". How on earth can they keep the victim a secret for all this time? There'll be paparazzi swarming all over the place. Loose lips, etc. They'll have to film a whole bunch of deaths so it could be any of a number, and then secretly place the 'correct' death episode in the transmission machine at the last moment.


    That said - I don't get the moaning about the rest of the episode. It was tense as hell, and with Rick & Co constantly finding their routes blocked by The Saviours, the sense of dread just kept ramping up and up and up. That big reveal - with that chilling whistling going on - with (almost) all of The Saviours in the woods in a big circle was scary as hell. The look on Rick's face said it all - talk about a lesson in humility!

    I would theorise the following - Rick and everyone to the left of him (Rick's left, Negan's right) is safe. Listen to the line of dialogue - Negan says that if any of them kick off they're to cut out Carl's eye and feed it to Rick, and judging by the angle that Negan is facing, the victim is someone to Rick's right. WHO that someone is I don't know - AND IT'S STILL SIX SODDING MOTHERF**KING-BASTARD-SHITTING-BOLLOCKY-ASSBAG MONTHS BEFORE WE FIND OUT!!!


    Loved Eugene stepping up to the plate. That whole scene was really bleak, but heroic for Eugene. They did a great job of setting up that almost anyone could die at any moment - I was on-edge for 'out of the blue bullets' the entire episode.

    Slightly different to how I figured, but I was in the ballpark regarding Morgan and these horse riding chaps in the body armour. It'll be interesting to see where Morgan and Carol go from here, particularly as they've no idea about what's going on with Team Rick. Fascinating stuff with Carol - she wanted to die, so badly. She was ready to go. Deep stuff.

    Best part of the episode? NEGAN, no doubt. Jeffrey Dean Morgan did a fantastic job of inhabiting that character - a serious well done to him, because blimey, that's a challenge to pull that character off, and he managed it beautifully. I dug what the direction was - Negan is the star of his own movie - which suits his character down to the ground. JDM owned that character - charismatic, yet heinously evil - and really stole the moment. Talk about making an impact on the show. I had a good feeling he'd be great in the role - but didn't quite know he'd rock it this well, so congrats to him for absolutely nailing Negan.

    Iffy part of the episode - so many of the core group leaving Alexandria. Them loading up the RV with a bunch of "you can't talk me out of coming" additions felt a bit silly. Good that Alexandria has a plan and the people are trained, but it was still something that irked me quite a bit. Those left behind just don't have the same level of combat experience. It does give us a grand spectacle with (almost) all the key players in that showdown ... but still ... I hope Team Rick don't scatter their people beyond the walls all at once again!

    Ooh - Steven Ogg (aka Trevor from GTA V) - now that's a cool addition to the cast! I hope he sticks around for a good while as I really enjoyed his character. Talk about menacing!

    Oh - Morgan shooting that dude. GOOD! He'd been struggling to make that method of his work, but the world kept pushing back, and finally he was faced with a situation where there was no other option. It'll be interesting to see where he goes from here. Will it make him crack again? Will he realign to a more pragmatic position? I guess we'll find out come October.

    So, yeah, properly f**ked off about the cliffhanger, cringed at all the big guns leaving Alexandria ... but apart from those things (one of them considerable in size) I enjoyed the episode quite a lot. The sense of dread was pervasive and constant, Negan rocked, the bleakness was impressive ... if only they'd not done that stupid sodding cliffhanger!!!

    That said - anyone out there in Interwebtubezland who seriously gives up on the show just because of a cliffhanger is an idiot, pissed off in the moment and just lashing out. I don't believe Gimple & Co's intentions were to say F.U. to the fans, I just don't believe that at all, but I do believe they didn't think this through properly and ultimately did not make the right call. Everyone expected a death - everyone expected to SEE THE BLOODY THING HAPPEN - and they chose not to. I think that was a bad idea that has created needless frothing at the Internet mouth.

    Further to that and spreaking in general, if you don't like the show - why are you watching it? If you do like the show, grow up, you're not going to stop watching it just because of a cliffhanger (regardless of how ill-advised it was). Gain some perspective: the world continues to turn (where infinitely worse things happen on a minute-by-minute basis), it's only a TV show, and you're going to keep watching because it's the best thing in zombies since Day of the Dead. Yes, the cliffhanger pisses me off something rotten, too, but to trash the entire episode because of it is over-reacting in the extreme.

    I reckon that's fair enough.


    TWD 6x16 Memes:


  8. #23
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Stupid thing is who gets killed is guaranteed to leak before season 7 starts. Guaranteed so the cliffhanger is totally pointless.
    Gimple deserves the bat himself.
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  9. #24
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    In my mind I thought if Minion comes in mad the show is in trouble. Hahaha. Hey look I'm as big a fan as they come. This is the only show I watch or care about. People are pissed off including yourself minion but it's not because we hate the show. It's because we love the show and characters so damn much. I was ready to mourn someone and that was stolen from us all.

    The episode up until that point was downright tense in most spots. The all star line up of the A team filling the RV was gag worthy. And I'm kind of tired of Carol whining so much. Kudos to Morgan though. He's coming around and if he goes "clear" Negan better watch out.

    Also the Saviors became super boogeyman in one episode. Easily dispatched all season and now they have Michael Myers instincts and coordination that would make Navy SEALS proud(or SAS to you boys across the pond).

    Now all my gripes are minor for this episode and would have been easily overlooked if the ending gave us fans what we deserved. But the fans are speaking loud and clear that gimple and Kirkman fucked this up. We don't need this mystery to tune in for season 7. Mourning for 6 months of a beloved character gone and how our group will come back from this would have brought me back. Hell Lincoln's performance from ultimate badass to terrified was phenomenal. He knew he was fucked and when that Ogg guy said were done talking and time for you to listen...I mean damn that was a violent slap in the face that team Rick fucked with the wrong people.

    But in the end I'm just pissed the fuck off at the show. BS move.

  10. #25
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    Just for the record, I LOVED JDM as Negan. I hope there's an uncensored version of the scene although it was quite long
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  11. #26
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Hopefully Gimple & Co really learn from this particular mistake. The reasoning just isn't sound enough - they need to improve their skills at anticipating audience expectations. They do a good job in regards to what viewers who have read the comics are expecting, but this cliffhanger illustrates clearly that they need to improve on their anticipation of general audience expectations. To be fair to them they have these episodes locked several months in advance of them airing, so there's no way to react to immediate fan response - but they really should have seen this amount of fan aggro coming a mile off. They would have been wise to sidestep it - like facestabber is alluding to, we don't need a season finale cliffhanger like this to keep us coming back, just continue being a great show and leave us yearning to see what happens next, rather than who dies and what happens next.

    I'd be stunned if it doesn't leak somehow online as to who dies before the season 7 premiere date.

    Gimple's got so many things right with the show during his tenure. This cliffhanger palava is a rare slip up. Hopefully they'll deliver like nobody's business in season 7 to make up for this unusual error in judgement. Having an end of episode shock - such as Daryl getting shot last week - is fine as long as the longest you have to wait is a week, and you don't overuse it. There's a fine line to tread between giving audiences something to get them stoked for the next episode, and just teasing to an unnecessary degree. Cliffhangers are a dangerous game. Really, "now what do they do?!" would have been cliffhanger enough. To be fair, this isn't the first time a show has done this sort of thing - and heck, just look at the flak that the series finale of The Sopranos got - but yeah ... a decided miscalculation on the show maker's part.

    Please learn from this, TWD folks. Sincerely, a loving fan.

    Just for the record, I LOVED JDM as Negan. I hope there's an uncensored version of the scene although it was quite long.
    Damn straight. I cannot wait to see JDM in season 7 fully unleashing Negan upon us ... ... that sounded kinda sordid ... ... anyway, yeah, I'd love to see some additional material. And you know what - totally didn't miss his constant use of the F-word. JDM personified evil in the form of Negan so well that a childish amount of excessive swearing was completely not needed, so they handled that well.
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 04-Apr-2016 at 06:19 PM.

  12. #27
    Dead facestabber's Avatar

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    I wonder if the decision is final regarding who died? It appears the actors don't know. Is this a game by RK SG to see viewer response and decide later or do you guys think their mind was made up. Filming starts soon so they cant really keep the actor in the dark. Im sure they probably know but this was a way to say FU to the spoiler crowd.

  13. #28
    Walking Dead kidgloves's Avatar

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    This episode also stinks of studio interference.
    It's totally designed to get a reaction from the fan base and isn't what a good storyteller would do. We know Gimple and Kirkman tell great stories on a good day so I don't blame them entirely
    Last edited by kidgloves; 04-Apr-2016 at 07:34 PM. Reason: Gh
    The body is the instrument on which imagination plays.


  14. #29
    Walking Dead Moon Knight's Avatar

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    MZ is the voice of reason and the morale compass of our group.

    I still think the show officially sold out. Definitely not excited for season 7; especially knowing how frustrating it's gonna be knowing we can expect more shenanigans like they pulled in season 6.

    Glenn's fake out, Daryl's cliffhanger, the annoyance in how the mid season finale ended, all the CGI blood splatter on screen, the obnoxious "Into the Badlands" force feeding they did, and the Negan cliffhanger is the icing on the cake. I can see why so many people got turned off from this show. I'm still a supporter but highly frustrated as a loyal fan.
    "That's the deal, right? The people who are living have it harder, right? … the whole world is haunted now and there's no getting out of that, not until we're dead."

  15. #30

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    Besides the silly "cliffhanger" finale (as if this was really needed to tune in for next season ), it is also a bit annoying how sloppy the group has proceeded all through the last 2 episodes, even when they have been well aware that these "Saviors" are indeed still out there and might come back for revenge. Yet being fully cognizant of this fact, they still do such dumb things as carelessly walk around talking aloud. It's as if they are begging for the enemy to know where they are!

    Does anyone remember if they still had any RPGs left? If I remember correctly, Abraham found 1 loaded launcher and 3 RPGs inside a case, and they only used two: one to wipe out the group of Savior bikers blocking the road to Alexandria and the other one to ignite the gasoline floating on the lake. So they should still have a couple left. In order to get past the Savior groups blocking any of the roads to the Hilltop all they had to do is bring these remaining RPGs and blast them, just like Daryl did before. It does not take a rocket scientist (no pun intended) to see how some of the group members could easily have distracted them while another one sneaks closer to the roadblock through the woods on the side of the road and slams them with the RPGs. "Roadblock" removed!
    Last edited by JDP; 04-Apr-2016 at 09:45 PM. Reason: :)


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