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Thread: Carriers...

  1. #16
    Rising DeadJonas190's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by rongravy View Post
    Ok, now I'm pissed.
    Apparently it is only for rent today. It doesn't go on sale until the 29th. I had them hold a copy, but dammit, I wanted the bauble for mein own. All the places I called looking for it had no idea WTF was going on.
    Finally some girl at Blockbuster explained it to me, something about movie studios doing that now with some movies. It makes no sense to me. If you can rent it, you can still rip it. Why make the ones who really want it suffer?
    What the girl at Blockbuster didn't tell you, maybe becuase she doesn't know, it is a Blockbuster Exclusive title for now, which means they are the only people to carry it for rental. After the limited time of it being and exclusive, it goes out for rental and sale everywhere else. They used to do exclusives all the time when VHS was king, it just started back up a year or two ago with DVDs. As for the movie studios doing that with some DVD's, its just the exclusives we have (I say we becuase I work at a Blockbuster).

    Oh, and for the record, Carriers was a virus movie, the virus seemed close to the Ebola virus. No zombies at all were in the movie. It was alright, but a lot more could have been done to make it a better movie, it was very short as it is (80 minutes).
    Last edited by DeadJonas190; 14-Dec-2009 at 05:39 AM.
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  2. #17
    Twitching jdog's Avatar

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    i watched this yesterday. it was ok but nothing great. i found the movie to drag abit and the ending i didnt care for but it was an ok watch. like said before no real zombie action though
    we keep it real gangsta down here in canada. ehh

  3. #18
    Webmaster Neil's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by jdog View Post
    i watched this yesterday. it was ok but nothing great. i found the movie to drag abit and the ending i didnt care for but it was an ok watch. like said before no real zombie action though
    As I said before, I found a couple of bits really stuck with me - eg: The father/daughter, and there final shot/scene.

    And also:-
    Was it just me, or was there some sort of clever statement being made - That Chevlot vehicle twice blocks a road, preventing another car from passing, each time in an attempt to get fuel...
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  4. #19
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post

    And also:-
    Was it just me, or was there some sort of clever statement being made - That Chevlot vehicle twice blocks a road, preventing another car from passing, each time in an attempt to get fuel...
    Yeah, the statement was that if you drive for days on end when all the gas stations are down, you're going to run out of gas.

    I saw this movie yesterday. It was alright, I guess. Could have done without the "see it coming a mile away" movie cliches, though. Of ourse, we have to have someone try to take the women for rapegames. Of course, when you go in the only open window, you'll get a dead person with a gun in your face. And so on.

    This was another flick that had me rooting for the disease, because I don't like the characters. They were a bunch of Miguels out there. No brain. If these jokers had any sense at all, they'd keep any infected people in their party. Those are your disposable people. They can go into the new places and search things out without any risk of infection (what's going to happen? They get DOUBLE-infected?!). They would be extremely useful.

    But they didn't seem to know anything other than "we gotta get to the beach!"

    Oh, and what's the purpose of having the random "she's not my girlfriend!" bitch in the party, anyway? Captain Kirk asked that very question, and it never got answered.

  5. #20
    has the velocity Mike70's Avatar
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    the spammer has been dealt with.
    Last edited by Mike70; 15-Dec-2009 at 08:39 PM.
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  6. #21
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    I saw the movie last night and found it to be mostly effective. The whole dad and daughter thing was very very much so. (I was pretty choked up) The end faltered a bit but still. . it was a movie that made you question how you would act in the same situation. Would you be willing to give up your own humanity to survive? Conceince or survival. It's a tougher choice than you might think.
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  7. #22
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Would you be willing to give up your own humanity to survive? Conceince or survival. It's a tougher choice than you might think.
    That's totally subjective. One man's "humanity" is another man's "bullshit".

    I already outlined how I would attempt to go in this situation, but putting a highly infectious, "one touch from this person and you DIE!!" person out of your group isn't considered "inhuman" by everybody. Really, what's wrong with it? It's not like they're shooting the person in the head. They're simply splitting away from them, and they can continue to survive or not based on their own abilities, just as you are doing. You're not getting anything extra by separating, and they are no worse off than you are (tactically; health-wise, they're obviously doomed since they're infected).

    "Humanity" does not mean "carry someone else's burden at the expense of yourself". If it did, everyone who isn't housing 50 homeless people in their basement is inhuman right now.

  8. #23
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by SRP76 View Post
    That's totally subjective. One man's "humanity" is another man's "bullshit".

    I already outlined how I would attempt to go in this situation, but putting a highly infectious, "one touch from this person and you DIE!!" person out of your group isn't considered "inhuman" by everybody. Really, what's wrong with it? It's not like they're shooting the person in the head. They're simply splitting away from them, and they can continue to survive or not based on their own abilities, just as you are doing. You're not getting anything extra by separating, and they are no worse off than you are (tactically; health-wise, they're obviously doomed since they're infected).

    "Humanity" does not mean "carry someone else's burden at the expense of yourself". If it did, everyone who isn't housing 50 homeless people in their basement is inhuman right now.
    Caring for your loved ones. . . or even just giving a shit about the helpless. . I'd say that is humanity. Maybe I should refine the point and say the good side of humanity. It is a situation where you must choose the animal/survival side or the "human"/caring side.
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  9. #24
    Walking Dead SRP76's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by clanglee View Post
    Caring for your loved ones. . . or even just giving a shit about the helpless. . I'd say that is humanity. Maybe I should refine the point and say the good side of humanity. It is a situation where you must choose the animal/survival side or the "human"/caring side.
    Again, how is leaving them "bad"? They are no more "helpless" than you are. If they get infected, there is no cure, so exactly what are you going to do for them? Not a damn thing, that's what. I guess you could hang out to see them kick the bucket, but that's about it.

    It might be different if there was a cure in some location, and you were all piled up trying to get to that place. Then, you'd be helping them by letting them hitch a ride with you to that place. But when you're all basically headless chickens out there, being together or separate makes no difference.

  10. #25
    Chasing Prey clanglee's Avatar

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    Yeah. . ok. . you need specific examples of what I mean. .ok. . I can do that. Case in point, the little girl.

    when the little girl goes off on her coughing fit. . choaking, and maybe dying. . . .the woman made a "feeling" decision to help her get her oxygen. She was acting as a "good" person would in that situation. Of course, it got her infected, and by proxy, got her boyfriend infected. by making that choice she was showing her natural humanity. the only way to truly avoid being infected would be to avoid all infected and killing them (from a distance) if they started getting close. So. . . killing or leaving strangers, friends and loved ones and living, or having normal human contact and feelings. . and dying
    "When the dead walk, we must stop the killing, or lose the war."


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