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Thread: Pre-Vis rough test shot for DIARY competition

  1. #1
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Pre-Vis rough test shot for DIARY competition

    So in taking a break from working on Drawback, we have been hard at work to make a cool little three minute short for this Diary of the dead competition. It's called "The Last Blog", I put up a little site for it so I could post some stuff about it.

    Check out the site below to see a very rough pre-vis test shot for the flick:


  2. #2
    Cool, I'll pop in from time to time and see how it's all going. You can rely on me to get your back on the Diary MySpace page.

  3. #3
    Team Rick MinionZombie's Avatar
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    Gah! I can't view the video, it's all black...well, a washed out dark grey.

    Hmmm...the last blog, eh?

    Sounds kinda along the lines of an idea I've had, or had a while back anyway ... *gasps* ... you've been invading my brain and stealing my thoughts!

    Nah...I guess it's a kinda 'last message' type idea? Aye, I recently wrote a script based on an idea I roughed up in some random thread someone started up here early in 2007 I think. So while it's about a last message, if that's what The Last Blog is about, that's where the similarity ends probably.

    So aye, scripted two versions in fact, one is a sort of prequel if you will, which can be done live action (hope to do it around about Easter maybe with a friend of mine who is studying acting), the main thing though is designed for 2-D animation though.

    The script designed for animation is called "The End" and the live action prequel is called "Signing Off" ... but compared to the digital world of blogs, my final messages are far more analogue.

    Where was I? Excuse my long-winded ... er ... text-splurge. Anyway, gotta figure out how to see this video...*taps chin* a YouTube version?
    Last edited by MinionZombie; 14-Feb-2008 at 09:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Dying livingdeadboy's Avatar

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    Ontario, Canada
    its too short to put on myspace...sorry dude

    It is the whole last message idea, I am sure we are not the only ones in the world who had that idea

    A lot of what's in the short is from a zombie story i had a few years ago (like many others out there, after i saw Blair Witch, i thought wouldn't that be cool if somebody did that with zombies) but then Zombie Diaries did it, and Mr. Romero hopped on the bandwagon. So it was a little disappointing, but whatever. However, thanks to this contest, it gave me an excuse to do a couple scenes from the original story, so its pretty exciting to me

    Unfortunately after seeing Diary and Cloverfield, I don't know how original any of it is anymore. We should have done something about it back in '03...but I am rambling here! Point is, it was fun to have the chance to make it.


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