Conversation Between Debbieangel and Tricia Martin

4 Visitor Messages

  1. G'mornin'! Sorry for the was trying to swallow my soul...hahaa! Yes- I would love to chat sometime! Whenever I see you are on here, I will come say hello.
  2. No, not a lot of females around here. I haven't been around too much of late. I have been with the holidays, and they are finally winding down. Now to get deco's down for the year and I have A LOT of deco's. It looks like Santa Central in my house. hahaa.
    It gets pretty quiet around here at times. It perks up sometimes.
    Anytime you wanna talk shoot me a PM and we can go to chat.
    Take care, Debbie
  3. Hi there! So i take it not many females visit here...hahaa! Ya' know, that actually surprises me! I really like this place so far! I think it is a shame that some of the discussions and groups have had little or no activity. I told everyone in the Living Dead Festival group on facebook (the one Gary Streiner set up and has become the official group for the chapel) how awesome it is to see people spreading our links around here. Hopefully some more of them will come join and become active. There are a good amount of girls in the group...maybe we can gain some sort of gender balance here...hahaa! Not that it really matters. Thank you for your greeting! Happy New Year to you too! :>)
  4. It's about time we get more females around here!! Hey Welcome Tricia! Happy New Year!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4