Conversation Between AcesandEights and LouCipherr

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I hope you guys are prepared up north, 'cause here in Baltimore I think we're gonna get pretty screwed..

    Hurricaine Irene can go blow herself.... wait, what?!

    Oh, and happy goddamn hurricaine friday, dammit!
  2. It's Friday Jabroni!

    Ohhhhh Yeah!
  3. Pssssst. Hey, Aces... y'know what today is?


  4. The Pole or "Pow" (as it was known locally in the Lancashire dialect) was named after the pitch pole fixed there by the Earl of Derby which would be greased each year for the village's pot fair. Local men would then try and clamber up it to grab a side of bacon attached to the top; the successful contestant could keep the ham.
  5. Iza Friday, muthafuckah!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5