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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: Nicotero Wins BAFTADate: Mon 20-Feb-2006, 17:14:27

Dang, didn't see that award...probably one of the ones they skipped past, but I was off watching Petrol Heads or something by then, but still - that's friggin' cool. Which film did he win the award for?

Good on Nicotero (was it Berger or Kurtzman who left KNB?), somebody has to carry on the Savini torch as he's off 'acting' or whatever. You can tell they're the kind of guys who are really just having so much fun with what they do, they're loyal (Land of the Dead definately wasn't for the money - they PAID to be involved) and they make practical effects, hooray for practical gore! Noiiice.

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