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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: enough of this comparison bullDate: Wed 2-Nov-2005, 20:47:41


Respectfully, it may not be possible to compare the movie to the "phenomenon," however it is certainly possible to compare the films. Arguing that you can't speak about dawn '78 unless you were around when it was released suggests that its impact/appeal was/is intrinsically narrow. These are not the sort of qualities that define a "classic." Only movies that can speak to successive generations of audiences with undiminished power and move people in the same way as when they were released are deserving of this classification.

Classics should stand up to criticism over the years. They don't need to be protected from scrutiny. I have no doubt that Dawn '78 will be remembered long after Dawn '04. After all, it was the original. However, that doesn't mean that Dawn '04 wasn't perhaps superior in particular elements such as sound, production design, editing, and acting. (I'm not saying it was superior, just that its arguable and possible.)

You're not helping your case by insisting that anyone who didn't see the film in the theatre in '78 doesn't have the right perspective to have and express an opinion.

Let the movie defend itself. Its more than capable.


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