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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: It sucked in the cinema, but was great on dvdDate: Sat 17-Sep-2005, 12:47:01

I just watched the Dawn Remake (director's cut 105 minutes) on dvd and it was pretty good. I remember watching it about 1,5 years ago in the cinema and didn't like it at all. May it was the different cut?

The fx and the zombies in this movie are well arranged and the characters are introduced and evolve. Concerning character development and story - I have to admit - this movie is better and makes more sense than GAR's Land (please don't bite me for this one, may be Land is better on dvd as well. It's also easy to copy instead of creating something new).

Nevertheless the characters of Mekhi Pfeiffer and his pregnant girlfriend suck (although she's cute) and I don't know why. It would have been better, if only Pfeiffer had been in the script, playing more the rebel. He could have contrasted Rames a lot more, which the author tried in at least one dialogue ("You go to church and ...").

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