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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: oh, I loathe his LOTR.Date: Thu 15-Dec-2005, 14:06:21

and I could spend days telling you why and it would accomplish nothing.
I don't like how and why he changed the things he did in order to make those flicks.
For instance, why was Anduril on display in Rivendale and not on Aragorn from the beggining, as it is in the books. The mystique of "the sword that was broken" adds to the magic and it was re-forged in Lothlorien, NOT in Revindale.
The Character Tom Bombadil was very important seeing as the ring had no affect on him whatsoever (even when he put it on his pinky) Mr. Bombadil was a no-show.
Where was Ghan-Buri-Ghan?
Why was Arwen ALL the way through the story? And why did she show up to save Frodo?
I know that he changed everything out of convenience, that's not my point. I understand that, but why such a drastic change?

Would you like to see a movie version of, let's say, Watership Down....and instead of Rabbits the writer/director thinks it'd be better to use worms or talking tree bark? IT loses the magic of the orininal story. To me, the Tolkien books will always have much more magic in them and live longer in people's minds than anything Peter could whip out.

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