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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Dawn 04's story is great alright...Date: Tue 24-Jan-2006, 17:31:51

They have a shoddy zombie baby scene, an eccentric nurse who is a sharpshooter, zombies who seem to have a decent level of intelligence and yet hadnt found their way into the mall before the back got locked up, a dog would wander through a horde of zombies fearlessly.

DAWN 04 had its stuff over LAND, and it had its moments. I don't get LAND's storyline, at least in one major aspect: How did someone construct a city like that without interference? Much less, find the help to construct such a thing while defending it.

I guess both had their major plot holes. But I'd have to disagree with DAWN 04 being better...even though LAND had flaws of its own.

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