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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: Awesome.Date: Tue 24-Jan-2006, 13:42:33

Not bashing your film or anything, purely aimed towards the reviewer in himself, (he is probably a great guy though), but why does some people have to try and use 'big' words in reviews and the like? Not all of us are 'educated' so to speak and it really makes one feel dumbed down to read such words as: 'Tiergarten' & 'philanthropic'.

There are other 'big' words, in which I do know, but some leave me wondering until I grab the dictionary. Maybe I'm just ignorant and should know them, but come on, do you really use these words in everyday speech? Then why the f**k write a review with them in there? To make you sound big-brained or something?

Anyway, Kris rocks, and thumbs up for the positive review and remember kiddies, this was an OPINION and you don't have to be an @$$ to respond to it. We're all here to have fun.


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