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Fresh meat

Joined: 31-Dec-1969
Subject: RE: As long as you have a Decent Camera...Date: Wed 28-Dec-2005, 07:30:19

Like a GL1 and Sony Vegas you could easily do wedding video's.

It's not like making a movie, you don't need expensive software, or $12,000 camera's. Most videographers in my area use Canon GL1 or GL2's. I have seen a few XL1's, but that is what they use, and they edit on Sony, and some use Pinnacle. A couple that does wedding video's shoot with two camer'as and edit on avid, but they also charge $5,000 a wedding.

However I have seen some great video's done by the guys with the low end equipment. So I wouldn't go hogwild buying top of the line shit.

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